Department of Computer Science in our college ranked first in the “Second Scientific meeting  for Distinguished Graduation Projects” in the axis of computer science projects, which was held at Al-Mansour Private University College for its participation in the graduation project entitled  “School Student Grade Management System” for the two students “Muhammad Karim Ahmed and Mustafa Kazem Knit, “which they accomplished under the supervision of the teaching staff in the department,” Dr. Shahla Talib Abdel-Wahhab,” which is one of four distinguished graduation projects that the faculty  participated in with her students, who supervised their projects in this scientific forum, serve the community and solve the problems of the labor market and electronic governance

He also represented our college in the membership of the scientific committee for arbitration in the same department Omar Zia Akef in addition to members of various Iraqi universities majoring in computer science

It is worth noting that this winning project has won over (15) graduation projects that were nominated from the first stage, which included a large number of projects.

The winning project is considered an integrated project that enables the school principal in Iraqi primary schools to manage students’ grades and organize the management of the general enrollment register that works to organize and manage the grades of school students. Starting from registration and admission, it is the first program in managing student grades in schools in Iraq, you can easily set up and customize the program according to each school, and the program is based on simplifying and managing tasks and processes

May God bless the efforts of the teaching brothers who honored our dear college by representing it well, and may God bless the efforts of the Presidency Who supported and encouraged to raise the name of the college in scientific forums

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كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة (ابن الهيثم) College of Education for Pure Science (Ibn Al-Haitham) اقسام الكلية هي: قسم الفيزياء قسم الكيمياء قسم علوم الحياة قسم الرياضيات قسم الحاسبات

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